
麥德姆宜蘭 新竹 嘉義 屏東Fierce winds continue

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In disaster related news, on July 22nd, Typhoon Matmo swept through Taiwan, damaging several houses in its wake. In Chiayi, a scooter rider was hit by a tree and left in critical conditions. While in Hsinchu and Yilan, the storm left tens of thousands of households without electricity. Despite the various incidents across the island, no deaths were reported. 

7月22號麥德姆颱風直撲臺灣,造成各地房屋受損,在嘉義 一名機車騎士被樹木壓傷有著生命危險,而在新竹和宜蘭強勁的風勢造成數萬戶家庭停電,儘管災情不斷並無人傷亡。 

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