
菲軍方備忘錄 AFP & TC signs MOU

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Globally, the Tzu Chi Foundation has gained a reputation for helping in times of large scale disasters, and, in many cases, working with the local military when extra manpower is needed. In mid-May, Indonesia`s National Armed Forces (TNI), signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Tzu Chi, officially recognizing its partnership with the Tzu Chi Indonesia Chapter. Along the same lines, the Armed Forces of the Philippines also recently signed a MOU with the Tzu Chi Philippines Chapter. 

慈濟基金會大型賑災的效率在國際間享有一定的知名度,並往往在需要大量人力時會跟當地軍方合作,今年五月中旬印尼軍方與慈濟印尼分會簽訂合作備忘錄,正式認可兩造的合作關係,同樣的菲律賓軍方也與慈濟菲律賓分會簽下了 合作備忘錄,奠定了在未來在海燕災區重建時菲律賓軍方將給予的協助。 

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