週一, 28 五 2018

護法弘法傳大愛 環保取經勤學習

大陸福建漳州龍池岩寺釋志超法師及其弟子們一行為了解慈濟四大志業於5月24日遠從中國跨海來臺,一行人第一站先來大愛感恩科技參訪,汲取環保新知,帶回寺院再將這些善的種子散布出去。 5月24日大陸福建漳州龍池岩寺釋志超法師及弟子一行五人,為了解慈濟四大志業,將環保法門帶回社區,在四位福建慈濟人的陪伴下,第一站先來大愛感恩科技,來了解大愛環保。

大愛感恩科技清淨再源頭、環保精質化的環保心品,像是「慈悲科技」系列的防穿刺鞋、飛織環保紳士鞋、太陽能LED帽、賑災毛毯等讓志工們在救災時可以受到保護並救助,產品的背後代表著每位菩薩投入的愛,延續物命愛護地球。大愛感恩科技 虞珊明協理,先介紹慈濟近日所辦,一年一度的佛誕日,全球超過二十五萬人共同參與了浴佛典禮。透過浴佛,人人沉澱心靈,以誠懇的心敬天愛地,感恩佛陀、感恩父母、感恩天下蒼生。最重要的,今年主題環保,花蓮靜思堂用一千支寶特瓶做的水立方,傳遞惜水的重要。另外,台北中正紀念堂浴佛,立體琉璃同心圓,採用2,240支回收寶特瓶,製作而成一顆立體地球,來傳遞「環保回收再應用、寸步鋪路護大地」的環保理念。




大愛感恩科技 陳昱綺 台北市內湖區報導


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護法弘法傳大愛 環保取經勤學習

大陸福建漳州龍池岩寺釋志超法師及其弟子們一行為了解慈濟四大志業於5月24日遠從中國跨海來臺,一行人第一站先來大愛感恩科技參訪,汲取環保新知,帶回寺院再將這些善的種子散布出去。 5月24日大陸福建漳州龍池岩寺釋志超法師及弟子一行五人,為了解慈濟四大志業,將環保法門帶回社區,在四位福建慈濟人的陪伴下,第一站先來大愛感恩科技,來了解大愛環保。

大愛感恩科技清淨再源頭、環保精質化的環保心品,像是「慈悲科技」系列的防穿刺鞋、飛織環保紳士鞋、太陽能LED帽、賑災毛毯等讓志工們在救災時可以受到保護並救助,產品的背後代表著每位菩薩投入的愛,延續物命愛護地球。大愛感恩科技 虞珊明協理,先介紹慈濟近日所辦,一年一度的佛誕日,全球超過二十五萬人共同參與了浴佛典禮。透過浴佛,人人沉澱心靈,以誠懇的心敬天愛地,感恩佛陀、感恩父母、感恩天下蒼生。最重要的,今年主題環保,花蓮靜思堂用一千支寶特瓶做的水立方,傳遞惜水的重要。另外,台北中正紀念堂浴佛,立體琉璃同心圓,採用2,240支回收寶特瓶,製作而成一顆立體地球,來傳遞「環保回收再應用、寸步鋪路護大地」的環保理念。




大愛感恩科技 陳昱綺 台北市內湖區報導


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週日, 27 五 2018

DA.AI Received both CSR Award and Social Entrepreneurial Star Award

CAPTION: DA.AI Chairman, Hua-De Huang, received the Prize from Mr. Ching-Te Lai, Premier of Executive Yuan, at the award ceremony. Mr. Lai not only congratulated the winners but also expressed government's practice of encouraging and supporting the development of social enterprises. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)DA.AI received both the CSR Annual Survey Grand Prize in the SMEs category of the 14th Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Award and the Social Entrepreneurial Star Award on May 2nd, 2018, from the Global Views Magazine, the first media to promote CSR evaluation. The award criteria includes corporate governance, social performance, environmental performance, CSR strategic planning, communication with stakeholders, and data transparency, and are scrutinized thoroughly to evaluate enterprises’ CSR performances.

DA.AI Chairman, Hua-De Huang, received the Prize from Mr. Ching-Te Lai, Premier of Executive Yuan, at the award ceremony. Mr. Lai not only congratulated the winners but also expressed government's practice of encouraging and supporting the development of social enterprises, as well as highlighted corporate CSR achievements. Dr. Xi-Jun Gao, founder of Global Views Magazine, said, "modern corporate needs to conquer three mountains - the mountain of profit, corporate responsibility, and sustainable development.”

CAPTION: DA.AI received both the CSR Annual Survey Grand Prize in the SMEs category of the 14th Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Award and the Social Entrepreneurial Star Award on May 2nd, 2018, from the Global Views Magazine. (Photo by: DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd.)Sincerely wishing everyone to conquer these mountains with open mind attitude and under win-win situation, Prof. Shi-Jun Xu and Prof. Yan Fang added on behalf of the jury, “the establishment of a social enterprise aims to solve social problems. Social enterprises are not only self-sufficient, but also serve the purpose of social welfare, which is an important part of today's corporate spectrum." This has been DA.AI’s purpose since establishment and has been awarded globally and domestically for its CSR achievements and latest invention.

DA.AI Technology, Jasmine Li, Taipei

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