週六, 26 四月 2014

勇嬤顧兒孫 A strong grandma

70-year-old Grandma Sun, lives in Taiwan`s Changhua and still collects recyclables from the
streets to support her family. Her son suffers from mental health problems, while her husband is too old to work. Despite living in hardship, Grandma Sun remains strong and optimistic. Recognizing her dedication to her family, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families awarded Grandma Sun “Ziqiang Mother of the Year”.

臺灣彰化有一位,七十歲的孫阿嬤,儘管年事已高,仍在做資源回收,擔起全家的生計,兒子精神狀態不穩定,丈夫又因為年紀大無法工作,生活很清苦,但阿嬤很堅強樂觀,她為家庭的付出,讓她榮獲家扶基金會,自強媽媽的殊榮。 Read more

週五, 25 四月 2014

板橋掃街 Love thy neighbors

In Taiwan`s New Taipei City, Banqiao Tzu Chi volunteers took to sweeping the streets around the Banqiao Tzu Chi Grounds. Besides raising environmental awareness, it had also become a time to meet neighbors as well.

在臺灣的新北市板橋慈濟志工,在慈濟板橋志業園區掃街,除了提倡愛護環境也用行動敦親睦鄰。 Read more

澎湖淨灘 Picturesque Houwan Bay of Penghu

In celebration of Earth Day, Tzu Chi volunteers on the offshore island of Penghu decided to lead students from National Penghu Marine and Fishery Vocational High School on a beach cleanup. In just a few hours, they filled three garbage trucks with the trash they collected from Houwan Bay.


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汙染的真相(3) 廢棄物變形 Refine steel scrap for steel

Dumping unprocessed toxic industrial waste is illegal but if the waste is reclassified as a tradable good, it can roam Taiwan freely. Of the 21 megatons of industrial waste produced in the country a year, 18 megatons become products. Where do these so called products go and how do they affect us? Here`s our report.

任意棄置有毒的事業廢棄物可是違法的,但假使這些廢棄物被變更為產品,就可以光明正大的全台灣到處跑,台灣每年製造大約2100萬公噸的事業廢棄物,其中就有1800萬公噸,成為所謂的產品,到底是什麼產品,又如何影響我們,一起來看看我們的報導。 Read more