五 2013

週四, 16 五 2013

環保療癒身心靈 環保路母女相偕



慈濟志工 宋依蘭:「固定的一些商家都會留給媽媽,然後都會打電話來,那我想說媽媽身體這個樣子,先去看看 先(幫忙)收。」




慈濟志工 宋依蘭:「只要她笑她開心,我覺得這就是不枉費媽媽養我,教我。」


王貴南 俞柏清 真善美志工-台南報導 (2013.05.16)

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多功能環保餐具 國際發明展奪金


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週三, 15 五 2013

大愛感恩募款募心 愛與資源持續匯聚





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週一, 13 五 2013

疼惜地球實業家 愛的志業掘井人

圖說:全球實業家靜思生活營的學員制服是融合了 證嚴法師的智慧與環保菩薩的愛心的無染綠色大愛衫,期盼他們能夠時時法喜,並在回到自己的工作領域中都能成為一位富中貴人的實業家。(攝影者:駱武德;轉載自慈濟社區網)2013年慈濟第59期全球實業家三天二夜的靜思生活營,聚集了來自台灣北、中、南地區、中國大陸及海外各地,七百多位的慈濟人前往花蓮參加。對於參加全球實業家靜思生活營的學員,證嚴法師希望能夠藉此「教富濟貧」,期許他們能夠「實質且腳踏實地利益人群、做公益,互相激勵,做為一位富中貴人。」。身為台灣第一家環保公益企業,大愛感恩科技受邀請前往分享「實業家的社會責任」的主題。在分享的過程中,大愛感恩科技的創辦人之一,林家和師兄藉由慈濟環保菩薩到實業家志工的愛心接力、並完全回饋社會的愛心點滴故事,細說大愛感恩科技推動環保人文的使命與責任。

家和師兄解釋,在場的每一位學員身上所穿的,都是「清淨在源頭」的綠色大愛衫,此無染系列織品不僅是100%由回收寶特瓶製成,節能減碳友善環境之餘,更融合了 證嚴法師的智慧,以及無數環保菩薩的愛心,讓現場的與會學員感動不已。以自身落實社會企業責任的例子,大愛感恩科技自成立以來始終秉持著「與地球共生息」的理念,致力開發於寶特瓶回收再利用的環保科技,疼惜地球護大地,減少資源的浪費。不僅透過回收紡織品推廣環保人文的概念,目前大愛感恩科技也不斷的精進努力,積極的從「減廢」朝向「零廢」的目標前進,更多次獲得政府與國際間多項環保認證與獎項的肯定,而且每一樣產品皆富含環保人文意義,擁有善循環的價值,更可說是綠色產品的典範。


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Eco-brand to Build Taiwan's Future: DA.AI Technology Earth Protection, Mind Purification, and Sustainable Management

This group photo commemorates the fourth annual DA.AI Technology celebration on Dec. 9, 2012. Far left: Ding-Ming Lee, Executive Director of DA.AI Technology. Next to him is Ms. Kai-Ting He, General Manager of EPEA Taiwan Branch. Third from the left is Brother Jia-He Lin, a corporate Founding Member. Next to him is Mr. Bodo Kretzschmar, Chief Operating Officer of the TÜV Rheinland Group's Taiwan Branch. In the center is Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, Deputy Chief of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs. To his left is Walter Huang, DA.AI Technology Chairman. And on the far right is Director Tang of Da Ai TV, representing the Tzu Chi Foundation.Great Love: Giving Without Asking for Anything In Return

Gratitude: Constant Cultivation of Wisdom 

On Dec. 9 DA.AI Technology, the world's first non-profit “Green” socially responsible enterprise, celebrated its fourth anniversary with volunteers and representatives from Tzu Chi Foundation, business partners, guests of honor and government officials. DA.AI Technology's core mission is to protect the environment and support international charity, donating 100% of net proceeds to Tzu Chi Foundation disaster relief and charitable work. Once several founding members told Master Cheng Yen that more funds should be raised for the company and she said with a smile: “Giving, not making profits, should be your goal.” DA.AI Tech was established to help many people give with a grateful heart, without expecting anything in return. That's why Master Cheng Yen named the company “DA AI” (“Great Love” in Chinese).

Mr. Walter Huang, company chairman, shared three wishes at the anniversary celebration party: (1) That everyone help protect Mother Earth, (2) That everyone adopt Tzu Chi Masters’ missions as their own missions and devote themselves to mind purification, and (3) That everyone actively promote and support DA.AI's efforts to make sure the eco-brand thrives--both as a business and as part of Tzu Chi's global movement. Combining eco-technology and charity, DA.AI Tech promotes Taiwan’s soft power on the global stage. In addition to donating all company net proceeds, a 2012 CSR annual report has been presented to a representative of Master Cheng Yen to reiterate its core mission— environmental protection and charity. DA.AI is already making a difference. Between 2009 and November 2012, DA.AI recycled 250 million PET bottles to produce eco-textile fabrics and products, reduced carbon emissions up to 16 million kilograms and energy usage equivalent to 4 million liters of oil, as well as saved 673 million liters of water.

An Eco-Brand That Enhances Taiwan's Global Reputation

The “Green” Movement Gets a New Role Model   

During the anniversary celebration party, DA.AI joined with leading-edge designers to showcase eco-friendly apparel made of recycled PET bottles. DA.AI products' unique combination of elegance, simplicity, environmental protection value and eco-education mean consumers can use eco-friendly apparel that also contributes to mind purification and a more peaceful society. Mr. Du, Zi-Jun, the Deputy Chief of Ministry of Economic Affairs, stated, “In the past, major barriers to Taiwan’s enterprises included the lack of raw materials, technology, product plan and branding. Now DA.AI is systematically implementing a compelling strategic brand and product plan. Every foreign guest to Taiwan who receives DA.AI’s eco-friendly products as gifts can come to know Taiwan’s tradition of humanism and personal warmth. DA.AI Tech is indeed the pride of Taiwan’s industry.”

Mr. Ming-Shui Yeh, Executive Vice President of Taiwan External Trade Development Council, added: “DA.AI Technology, Taiwan's own eco-brand, produces outstanding eco-friendly apparel as a valued representative of Taiwan. Because each product meets stringent R&D, design, marketing and quality control standards, we can proudly promote DA.AI’s eco-friendly apparel all over the world. Each polo shirt, for example, has kept twelve PET bottles out of landfill. This is a clear sign of Tzu Chi eco-love. “DA.AI’s apparel is more than another high-quality Taiwan product. It also serves as a 'Green' industry role model. While applauding DA.AI Technology's eco-spirit, we urge Taiwanese industry to keep offering the world more eco-friendly products, kind hearts and humanistic spirit. Together they add to Taiwan's reputation as a world leader in more than one important area.”

Green Miracle: Gray Eco Blanket 

Sustainable Value: International Certificate

DA.AI's Gray Eco Blanket plays an important role in Tzu Chi's international relief efforts. This ground-breaking product recently received both the Water Footprint and Carbon Footprint Certifications from the TÜV Rheinland Group—making it the world’s first textile product to receive the coveted Water Footprint Certification. And this year the the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) also presented DA.AI with its own Carbon Footprint Certification. Some 600 thousand Gray Eco Blankets have already been delivered to disaster victims in nearly 30 countries, making it Taiwan’s true “Green” miracle and lifesaver.

Gray Eco Blanket fabric's use of recycled PET bottles and recycled fabric scraps promotes resource sustainability. DA.AI's sustainable closed-loop process has advanced industry recycling processing, so such scraps are easier to recycle, achieving the goal of “Cradle to Cradle ®” 

A beginning: Eco-friendly Apparel Made from PET bottles 

Tzu Chi Recruitment of Living Bodhisattvas

Mr. Ding-Ming Lee, DA.AI Technology Executive Director, has said: “Every DA.AI product brings consumers the story of Tzu Chi recycling volunteers' love and dedication. But we also remind the public that not using PET bottles at all is even better than recycling. DA.AI discourages consumption, encouraging people to protect the planet by using eco-friendly products. In addition to PET bottles, DA.AI also promotes the widespread recycling of six other types of materials including other plastic, paper, household appliances, and 3C products. We hope to recruit more Living Bodhisattvas to join our worldwide selfless celebration of human potential. Taiwan, just a small island, is overflowing with love. Everyone at DA.AI is committed to supporting Taiwan's global position by vigorously promoting its eco-brand around the world.”

After the anniversary celebration event, in response to Master Cheng Yen’s great compassion, DA.AI Technology has kept appealing for help to disaster victims in the Eastern United States. Everyone who makes this effort will become “a Bodhisattva on the spot.” DA.AI founding members, on behalf of the entire group, also matched dollar-for-dollar all revenue from the sale of DA.AI’s eco-friendly product on that day to increase relief donations, and wholeheartedly prayed as a group for each and every Hurricane Sandy victims.
Photo: Funding members along with Tzu Chi Representative and Director Tang renew their commitment to help recover natural materials and cultivate good fortune and wisdom, by preparing the 2012 Annual Report of Socially Responsibility especially for Master Cheng Yen. 

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週六, 11 五 2013

2013,9/5-7, 印度國際工業展

【活動地點】清奈貿易中心三館(地址:St. Thomas Mount, Nandambakkam, Chennai, India.)

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週五, 10 五 2013

2013,8/30-9/2, 大連台灣名優商品博覽會

20131001-7.jpg 20131001-8.jpg

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2013,8/29-31, 日本DIY家庭用品購物中心展覽會

【活動地點】幕張萬國物產國際展示場 (千葉縣千葉市美濱區中濑2-1 )

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2013,8/28, 外交部展示

【活動地點】外交部 Read more