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- 發佈於:2016-07-11, 週一 08:30
In Canada, with the Fort McMurray wildfire in northern Alberta carving a new path of destruction, many affected residents have evacuated to Edmonton for safety. To help these fire victims, a team of Tzu Chi volunteers headed to Edmonton from Vancouver on the 11th to see how they can offer their services. Learning of the fire victims` needs for blankets, volunteers plan to have more than 4,000 thick eco-friendly blankets arrive in Edmonton by the 20th.
加拿大亞伯達省林火,持續造成災害,當地居民大多撤離,到愛明頓 安全的地方,為幫助這些受災民眾,慈濟加拿大分會賑災團,11日也從溫哥華出發,奔波千里 了解目前災民的狀況,根據愛明頓緊急救難協會的要求,最需要的是保暖的毛毯,志工預計在當地時間20號,四千多件加厚型的毛毯,提供給災民最急需的溫暖。