菲三寶顏物資 Helping rebuild Zamboanga

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The political uprising in Zamboanga City of the Philippines, recently came to an end; however, torrential rains and floods which followed, forced more than 10,000 residents to flee their homes. To help, with the assistance of the navy, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Zamboanga, with rice, blankets and necessities, ready to help those in greater need.
菲律賓三寶顏的政治衝突才剛剛結束,又遭逢大雨侵襲,一萬多人被迫住在收容所,馬尼拉慈濟志工在海軍的協助下,運送四千包大米 、三千條毛毯到三寶顏,幫助這裡的居民。
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