離島浩劫(2)排水污染The ocean is our spiritual mother

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In our continuing reports on the endangerment of Taiwan`s offshore islands, today we take a look at the sewage problem in Penghu(澎湖)`s Magong(馬公) City, which does not have its own water treatment facilities. With an estimated 10,000 tons of waste water discharged into the ocean each day, the county government therefore, has built two experimental sewage treatment plants here, marking a positive step in reducing further destruction to the surrounding ocean.

繼續我們離島浩劫的報導,今天帶您來關心澎湖的污水排放問題,馬公市沒有大型的汙水處理廠 ,一天要排放估計約一萬噸的廢水,這些水通通流入海洋,因此縣政府蓋了兩座實驗性質的小型汙水處理場,為減少海洋汙染,跨出了成功的第一步。

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