山林的聲音(五)A senseless reforestation policy

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As we have mentioned, Taiwan’s precious cypresses were nearly logged to extinction at one point. To mend the harm that has been done and to fight global warming, the government has been spending billions on reforestation. However, is this really working or are such measures simply causing more harm to the environment? We find out in our report. 

就如同之前所報導過的,台灣珍貴的紅檜、扁柏,曾經因為砍伐而幾乎滅絕,為了彌補 ,也為了對抗溫室效應,台灣政府為了重新造林,已經花了數十億美金,但這真的是解決的方法嗎?還是只是又在傷害大自然?一起來看看我們的報導。 

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