人和教忍痛+印跨宗教環保Raising environmental awareness

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One of the largest international environmental organizations in the world -- The Nature Conservancy - held its seventh Thought Leadership Forum in Jarkata, Indonesia at the end of November. In total, 41 organizations, which included the local Tzu Chi chapter, were invited to participate and together, come up with solutions to protect our planet. However, let`s first join Tzu Chi volunteers at the Renhe Environmental Education Center in Tainan, Taiwan as they explain which items can be recycled and which cannot to members of the public. 

國際最大的環保組織之一,大自然保護協會,在11月底在印尼雅加達,舉辦 第七屆領導思想論壇,有41個團體參加,包括當地的慈濟分會,大家一同集思廣益,共同為淨化環境努力,不過我們先到臺灣台南的,人和環保教育站,向民眾宣導甚麼資源可以回收。 

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