雅加達火災Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at North Jakarta’s Sukapura Village to care for 420 residents recently displaced by an electrical fire

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We go to Indonesia at the end of the show, where local Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at North Jakarta’s Sukapura Village to care for 420 residents recently displaced by an electrical fire. Currently, these residents are taking shelter at a nearby mosque as they are now left without roofs over their heads. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with daily necessities, such as blankets and clothing, and much needed emotional support. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye. 

節目最後,我們帶大家到印尼,慈濟志工來到北雅加達素卡布拉村關懷,因為火災受災的420位無家可歸的民眾,目前暫時居住在附近的清真寺,為了 幫助他們,慈濟志工帶來生活物資,包括毛毯、盥洗用具、衣服與拖鞋,都親手交給受災鄉親,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。

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