麻坡九皇環保+武漢大學生環保+港留英環保Litter in bins, not on ground

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It’s important to remember that conservation ideas should not just be discussed, but instead carried out. This is why in Hong Kong and Wuhan(武漢), China, students are taking an active role in not only promoting recycling, but actualizing it in their lives. Meanwhile in Malaysia, as celebrations also means a lot of garbage, organizers of Muar’s Nine Emperor Gods Festival parade asked Tzu Chi volunteers to help promote the message of putting litter in bins. 
環保理念是行動落實,而不是只拿出來討論的事,這就是為什麼在香港與大陸的武漢學生們近期推動環保,而且 落實在生活中,另外,在馬來西亞在熱鬧的慶典中,也是垃圾造成最多的時候,因此九皇大帝神誕慶典,遊行主辦單位請慈濟麻坡志工一起來宣導垃圾不落地,來看看他們身體力行。 

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