水源環保茶會Inviting more people through gathering

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In the indigenous community of Shuiyuan in Hualien, Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteer Fang Chunying has long carried out Tzu Chi’s environmental mission, while inspiring her husband and fellow tribesmen in the process. At a recent tea gathering to further promote Tzu Chi’s cause, faculty and students from Tzu Chi University were also present to help the village’s children learn to better care for their health. 

台灣花蓮水源部落,慈濟志工方春英長期投入慈濟環保志業,帶動先生與部落居民也一起加入,這次舉辦環保茶會除了要感恩這些志工的幫忙,也要邀請更多人一起投入環保,慈濟大學社工系師生也趁機對部落的小朋友進行衛教宣導。 設大愛村,多年來,慈濟志工提升了居民的環保意識,更啟發政府以大愛村為範本,興建國宅,讓我們一起來看看。

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